How to eat right in the USA to stay in good shape
It is known that many students, especially female students of Work and Travel, are very interested in the question: How not to get fat in the USA and stay in good shape? Well, let's try to answer this difficult question.
Indeed, food in the U.S. seems very tasty, as it is often sprinkled with lots of spices and served with lots of sauce. Almost any sauce in the U.S. contains a mayonnaise base and is quite salty, which means large amounts of fatty acids and salt, the former of which are poorly digested by our bodies and, in most cases, deposited by our bodies until better times, while salt actively retains water in our bodies, which leads to weight gain.
Fast food is not even worth talking about. It's everywhere in America. It is also not recommended to eat there, not because it is not good, but because all food there is cooked with a lot of oil, and if it is absolutely impossible to resist, then here is a little advice. If you take, for example, a burger, then take the cutlet out of it and dip the cutlet in napkins for a minute. The napkins will absorb all the fat and sauces that are abundant on it and put the cutlet back, so you can reduce the amount of incoming fatty acids in your body. Fries are forever excluded from your diet, along with chips and other deep-fried foods.
That leaves the only option - to cook on your own! But even here there are dangers, in particular, in all the stores you will be offered to cook semi-finished products, or even just heat them in the microwave. This is not the best option, but you can find semi-finished products with a good composition. It turns out that the ideal option is to cook home-cooked food on their own, and for this in America, there is everything. Meat in America is a common product and in any supermarket, you can choose the meat to your liking. Vegetables and various fruits are a great variety and in quality they are excellent.
The conclusion is simple - cook for yourself, but if you do not know how then do not hesitate to ask other students, most likely you will not refuse!