What is the Work and Travel program and why is it globally important?
A student of any university and almost every city in our country has heard of the Work and Travel program. Someone chooses this program to spend their unforgettable summer in America, someone to get a taste of independent life, someone to earn money, someone to improve their English. There are a lot of variants. Only our company for 20 years of work with the program has sent more than 50,000 students on Work and Travel exchange programs. So let's remember why and when this program was invented.
Immediately after World War II, the U.S. government decided to pay special attention to projects whose main goal is to build peaceful relations between countries.
Senator William Fulbright initiated the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, which was passed by President Kennedy's government. The main purpose of this act was to improve mutual understanding and strengthen peaceful relations between the United States and other countries through educational and cultural exchange. As part of this law, the U.S. State Department established the well-known Work and Travel program.
It became available for students in 1994. Since 2001 our company STAR Travel began to send students under this program. Now every year representatives of over 100 countries travel to meet an unforgettable summer. The most popular program among students from Jamaica, the Philippines, China, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, and Turkey.
What do the statistics of the Work and Travel program show?
1) "Graduates" of exchange programs greatly contribute to the building of international relations, and their broad outlook and acquired soft skills make them attractive candidates for employment in successful international companies and for foreign internships.
2) American employers are extremely positive about the program: the opportunity to interact with students from all over the world increases interest in summer businesses among Americans who do not travel abroad much, and also allows employers to fill vacant seasonal jobs and accept more tourists. Usually American summer vacation destinations are sparsely populated resorts designed only for summer vacations and live off the tourist season, so international students do not compete with the local population.
3) Many participants accumulate good sums over the summer of work and can afford a decent trip around the U.S., contributing to the economy of the country and promoting American culture.
Throughout its existence, Work and Travel have become the most popular cultural exchange program in the world and has repeatedly justified the goals of its creators.
Who Can Go Through Work and Travel:
1) A full-time/part-time university student
2) Aged 18 to 23
3) English speakers with intermediate conversational proficiency
4) Someone who likes to travel and meet new people
Work and Travel is the easiest way to live in the USA for several months without long preparations, passing English exams, having an outstanding visa history and large financial savings. It's easier than you might think!